StormRT should be easy to install on most UNIX-based
platforms using standard compilers.
The following builds have been tested successfully:
Machine Type |
Architecture |
Operating System |
Compiler |
workstation |
amd64 |
Scientific Linux 5.1 |
gcc 4.1 |
cluster |
amd64 |
RHEL 5 |
gcc |
cluster |
amd64 |
RHEL 5 |
icc |
Installation of stormrt-3.2.2:
(1) Unpack stormrt-3.2.2.(date).tbz
(2) create make/Makefile.(architecture) appropriate for
target platform
(3) edit Makefile to include the platform-dependent file created in step 2
(4) gmake
>>> stormrt-3.2.2 is now installed in the ./include and ./lib directories
Building tools:
(1) from the main directory, cd tools
(2) gmake
(3) mcf2xyz.x is now installed in ./bin
Installing LAMMPS/mcf patch:
(1) cp apps/patch-lammps-19May09 /path/to/lammps-19May09
(2) cd /path/to/lammps-19May09
(3) patch -p1 < patch-lammps-19May09
(4) make serial_fftw_mcf
Testing LAMMPS/mcf output:
(1) cd examples/melt
(2) ../../src/lmp_fftw_mcf < in.melt.mcf
(3) mcf2xyz.x --lammps --mmax 12 --natom 400 --stepmax 10000 dump.melt
>>> compare dump2.melt with
For information related to StormRT contact: